One of the key components of Women of Vision is to support projects that alleviate poverty for women and girls. At our last meeting, we learned about three specific projects, in Mali, Appalachia, and New York City.
On an international level, the Mali Rural Water Health Project (RWHP) serves to provide potable water to more than 80,000 Malians in 150 communities. The burden of fetching water lies with women, thus robbing them of time for more productive lives. Goals of the project include drilling 200 boreholes and fitting them with hand pumps, constructing 1,000 latrines and 75 livestock troughs, training community volunteers in hand pump maintenance, and educating children and families on disease control. The RWHP hopes to reduce the prevalence of waterborne and water-related illnesses, such as diarrhea, trachoma, and guinea worm.
The second project we looked at is in rural America, namely Appalachia. World Vision is actively engaged in the community of Philippi, West Virginia, to improve the quality of life for children and families struggling against the effects of poverty. There is a 28,000 square foot Storehouse that last year distributed more than $8 million dollars worth of gift-in-kind products to families in need.
Lastly, we learned about the global issue of human trafficking and how it is prevalent here in New York City. A representative of ReStore spoke about this ministry's role in rescuing and restoring girls and women who are brought to the city and sold into sexual slavery.
As Women of Vision, we seek to pool our time, talents and resources to educate ourselves and others about the plight of women and girls trapped in the clutches of poverty in hopes to come alongside them and lift them up. These projects provide three specific approaches to empowering women. As a chapter, we hope to become more intimately involved in the lives of these women and girls. Please feel free to post comments and continue this discussion.
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