New York City Women of Vision

Welcome to the New York City Women of Vision. We're glad you stopped by. We are a group of like-minded women who seek to serve the poor, locally and globally. Come join us as we educate, serve, and advocate for the poor.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Women of Vision NYC Chapter Partner Profile: Darcy

Darcy Plimpton-Sims is the Founder/CEO of Plimpton International, a Company which incorporates her vast and varied experience in the realms of architecture, photography, project management, and an innate desire to support non-profits with her philanthropic spirit. She, her husband Steven and dog Ollie live in New York City. Their adult daughter Grace, is active in Youth With A Mission, with whom she is currently serving in South Africa.

Q: How long have you been a WOV partner?
It has been about 2 years, since the inception of the NYC WOV Chapter.

Q: Why did you choose to become a WOV partner?
About 10 years ago, my family sponsored a young child named Winstone in Uganda. We fell in love with him, his family and all the work that World Vision does to better the lives of children around the world through child sponsorships. World Vision programs help at critical and fundamental levels and give nations hope - one child at a time. So when I had the opportunity to make an even greater contribution of my time to further World Vision’s projects for women and children through WOV, I jumped on board!

Q: What benefits of partnership have you realized?
There are so many! First, being further educated about the issues facing humanity around the globe; with the education came the realization that each one of us can impact lives, and together, we can impact even more.
Second, learning that women really do build strong communities wherever they are, and that there are Women of Vision/World Vision programs such as micro-finance loans in amounts as small as $100, sometimes less, designed to empower women to start businesses that will benefit their families and their villages.
Third, is the solidarity we share as Women of Vision here in the U.S., in our NYC Chapter, and also with the myriad of other like-minded, women-centered organizations with whom we have partnered. With our combined efforts, we can change the world beyond 'our world'. We can all play our part, big or small, for a greater impact. Can you tell I'm a little excited by what we are doing?!

Q: What advice would you give to someone who's considering partnership?
Come along for a great adventure!!! Start at the level of involvement with which you are comfortable. You may choose to simply attend events where you will learn and get connected, or you may dive even deeper, and receive the unparalleled gift of giving to your fellow man by planting seeds of love and faith. You will be amazed at the impact and abundant harvest you can make serving your fellow man. Serving brings joy to both the giver and receiver. Beyond anything else, this opportunity is, as the saying goes, priceless.

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