Thank you to all of you who joined us this Monday for our Fall Kick-off Meeting. We kicked off the meeting with prayer from Co-Chair
Anais Reyes and Co-Chair
Amy Olson introduced the evening's speakers. The first speaker was
Sarah Page, a WOV Partner for 2 years, and Co-Deacon of the Trinity Baptist Church's Rwanda Mission Trip. She opened up and shared her life story of how God led her to Rwanda once she prayed for Him to break her heart for the things that breaks His. Sarah recognized how much we in the U.S. have so much to be thankful for when it comes to spiritual resources while leading the Alpha program in Rwanda, an initiative to provide mentorship, advice, and resources to Rwandan pastors. Her heart is now on fire for Rwanda and she is excited to plan out next year's trip!
Connie Lewin then shared about how meaningful Women of Vision has been in her life. Women of Vision came into her life during a period of dissatisfaction with her professional career. Women of Vision ignited a passion in her to work with girls and women in the global community, despite the fact that she had never left the U.S. She also shared how she grew more into her faith from the bible study and friendships she has formed among her WOV partners. She eventually left her job to join a social venture that takes a market-based, sustainable approach to solving the pressing problem of lack of access to menstrual pads that is based in Rwanda. Her first stamp in her passport is Rwanda, and she can't wait to collect a few more stamps in her life, wherever God leads her.
The keynote speaker of the evening was
Margo Day, a top tech executive that took a step of faith with her "five loaves and two fishes," when she traveled across Kenya with World Vision staff. She learned during the last day of her first of many trips that some Kenyan girls face female genital mutilation by the age of 12 and early child marriage by the age of 16. One way to prevent girls from the threats of either of those cultural acts: education. World Vision is committed to partnering with the people of Kenya to improve their lives today and building schools and providing access to education have been a powerful tool in breaking down cultural practices such as FGM and early child marriage that disempower girls and women. Building a new school costs USD $600K, but Margo believed that her "five loaves and two fishes" were all that God asked for her; He would take care of the rest. So she reached out to her colleagues and friends, and they were able to raise the money in less than a year! The school was built by 2010 and now serves hundreds of girls.
We recognized that we have much to be grateful for, and that we need to rely on God's grace and Word to lead us in this new year of WOV NYC. Women of Vision's new fiscal year begins today, so if you are already a partner and want to renew or want to become one, please
sign up today!
Amy Olsen introduces our first speaker of the evening. |
Sarah Page shares her heart for Rwanda. |
Connie describes how God has turned her life upside down... in a good way! |
Margo Day inspires us into action with our five loaves and two fish. |
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